Teenage Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy is not viewed as a problem in societies where parents give their young girls to older men for marriage. But frequently, these girls experience premature pregnancies that seriously harm their internal and sexual organs. Due to the immaturity of their bodies, teenage mothers are more likely to experience maternal mortality. Adolescent girls are believed to be the mothers of about 18% of the children born in Jamaica. Furthermore, they use fewer antenatal health services and are more likely to have premature babies, labor complications, low birth weight babies, and other birth defects.

In comparison to girls with higher levels of education, those with less education are five times more likely to become mothers. Teenage mothers are excluded from school and thus limits their options for professional opportunities to provide for themselves and the babies in the future and keeps them trapped in a cycle of poverty. Many times, girls believe that getting pregnant is preferable to continuing their education.

Also oftentimes, Since the mothers are not able to care for themselves and their children, the burden of care rests with civil society and the government. It also speaks to the present gaps in parenting, child rearing, sexual and reproductive health education, and the financial burden the country faces. Many adolescent girls do not plan or want to become pregnant or have children. Teenagers frequently turn to unsafe abortion in nations where it is either outlawed or severely restricted, endangering their health and lives.

How does Teenage pregnancy affects the level of education in mothers?

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